Milestone Missions is hosting our annual Back to School Drive on the weekends of July 7–28. The purpose is to help single parents in our Milestone family and other families in need, and we would love for you to be a part of it! Some ways to participate are to shop and bring items to the Missions table, donate to cover the costs of needed items, or even join in a virtual school supply drive.
Here's how you can help!
- New backpacks or lunch boxes
- School supplies
- $25 gift cards to Walmart or Target
- Financial donations at the Missions table in the Commons
If you prefer online shopping, you can also participate virtually!
Purchase Items
All donations must be dropped off at the Missions table in the Commons or mailed no later than July 28.
Thank you so much for making a difference in the life of a child this upcoming school year! If you have questions, contact us at
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