What does a healthy home look like? Discover the biblical principles to build a healthy family.
201 Mount Gilead Road
Keller, Texas 76248
In-Person Services
Sat - 5:00pm
Sun - 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm
601 S. Graves Street
McKinney, Texas 75069
In-Person Services
Sun - 9:30am, 11:15am
1350 Eagle Blvd
Haslet, Texas 76052
(817) 576-8445
In-Person Services
9:30am, 11:15am @ Eaton High School (Student Union)
What does a healthy home look like? Discover the biblical principles to build a healthy family.
Join Pastor Jeff this Easter as we look at the answer to three questions we ask as we try to deal with tension in our lives.
Pastor Tyron Caswell walks us through what it means to find peace, not in things, but in what really matters.
Pastor Jeff Little takes us through the book of Philippians to find out what it really means to be happy.
Overcoming the walls in your life.
Learning to receive and give mercy.
How to walk in the confidence of a champion.
Learning to live and give beyond ourselves.