Next Gen Weekend 2021
Messages On-Demand
Change is all around us. It’s always more than you expect and it never slows down. You start asking questions like... how did I get here? Am I ready for this? Join us for this 9 weeks series and learn how you can thrive during moments of change.
Join us for Summer at Milestone! During July, we will talk about practical steps you can take in your everyday life to help you grow with God, your family, and others.
We can’t grow spiritually without knowing who God is. His Word shows us His character, and one of His attributes is greater than the rest. What if that attribute was also the deepest longing of every human heart? How important would it be for every person to understand and experience it for themselves on a regular basis? Join us for a 2-week study as we explore 1 John 4 and discover how the love of God changes everything.
Join us for Summer at Milestone! During July, we will talk about practical steps you can take in your everyday life to help you grow with God, your family, and others.
Join us for Summer Splash, our annual summer women’s event, and an encouraging message from our special guest speaker, Julie Mullins.
Have you ever wondered where to find help and comfort through life’s storms and challenges? Have you ever needed wisdom and guidance for a major decision? Jesus said it is to our advantage that He sends us the Holy Spirit as our Comforter, our Helper, and our Advocate. Join us for our new series, Empowered, as we discover the available help through the Holy Spirit.
Join Pastor Jeff as he talks about how we can live out the vision that God has given us, individually and as a church family!