
201 Mount Gilead Road

Keller, Texas 76248


In-Person Services

Sat - 5:00pm

Sun - 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm



601 S. Graves Street

McKinney, Texas 75069


In-Person Services
Sun - 9:30am, 11:15am



1350 Eagle Blvd

Haslet, Texas 76052

(817) 576-8445

In-Person Services
9:30am, 11:15am @ Eaton High School (Student Union)




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Sat - 5:00pm

Sun - 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm


Life On Purpose

February 02, 2025

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Pastor Jeff Little

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Life On Purpose

Most of us have likely had this thought at one time or another: There has to be more to life. It’s normal to feel this way. We all want to feel like we’re doing something significant with our lives. But how do we find this life? We invite you to join us this spring as we study the book of Colossians along with our brand new resource, Life on Purpose, and discover together how we can live the life God has created each one of us to live.

Joy 2024

We love hosting our annual women’s event, JOY, and celebrating the meaning of Christmas together. This time of year is full of expectations and memorable moments, but for some of you, you may find yourself struggling and at a hard place in life. Wherever you’re at, this special message from Brandy Little will encourage you with the truth that Jesus loves you and that He’s still working in our lives even when we can’t see it.

Make a Difference

Life is full of marking moments—getting married, starting your dream career, seeing your kids grow up—but what does it look like to personally leave a mark that will last beyond your lifetime? The amazing thing is that God gives each of us opportunities to be a part of something that can impact and change lives around us. In our new series, we’ll discover the key components of living a life that truly makes a difference as we study the book of Nehemiah together.

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