
201 Mount Gilead Road

Keller, Texas 76248


In-Person Services

Sat - 5:00pm

Sun - 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm



601 S. Graves Street

McKinney, Texas 75069


In-Person Services
Sun - 9:30am, 11:15am



1350 Eagle Blvd

Haslet, Texas 76052

(817) 576-8445

In-Person Services
9:30am, 11:15am @ Eaton High School (Student Union)




Online at

Sat - 5:00pm

Sun - 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:30pm


Serve Day

Serve Day is coming up on Saturday, April 5th!

Each year on Serve Day our church impacts our community in a powerful way through many different clean up and compassion projects. We also offer projects starting on March 29th if you’d like to serve earlier!

We have projects to serve single moms, widows, the elderly, veterans, those experiencing homelessness, and more. We work with our cities to clear code violations and meet any other needs they have shared with us. We also serve through many of our nonprofit partners to help in food pantries, clothing donation centers, and much more.

As a part of Serve Day, we are hosting a virtual drive to purchase needed items for KISD students who are experiencing homelessness. You can purchase items in addition to your regular serve project through this link.

To see projects and sign up to serve, simply click on the link below and choose your campus! T-shirts have not changed from last year. However, if you need one, please stop by the missions table in the Commons between February 22nd - March 30th around any weekend service.
Sign Up

If you are a Small Group leader and would like to sign your group up to adopt a teacher or classroom, please sign up HERE.

Check out this recap video from last year to learn more!

Fellowship One

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